This handsome little guy is Cappy and he needs our help! He is about 2 years old, weighs about 15 pounds, and he is a sweetie! We rescued him from a shelter in the San Antonio, Texas area very recently. He had been hit by a car and taken to the shelter. Cappy’s foster mom got him to a vet, and it turns out that his hip joint has been knocked out of the socket. This is causing him pain and needs to be fixed as soon as possible!
The vet estimates that the bill for Cappy’s surgery will be around $1200 to get him back up and running. Cappy is a youngster with a long life ahead of him. Once he has surgery to fix his little leg, we can find him a forever family! Won’t you help us help Cappy by giving? No amount is too small… it all adds up!
You can donate at with PayPal and all major credit cards. Please notate that your donation is for Cappy in the name field.
Russell Rescue, Inc. is a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation. Donations made to Russell Rescue, Inc. are tax-deductible to the contributor.
Follow along here for updates. Thank you from Cappy!