Colonel Nugget Update

Colonel Nugget

Sharing Chore Money with RRI

Oh, oh Colonel Nugget!! You are the best!!

You are such a good boy to share your chore money and allowance with your “Rescue Cousins.”  We hope you had a wonderful time at the Yankee Trial and hope you are having a WONDERFUL summer!!

Give you Mom lots and lots of kisses from us.

Your Friends in Rescue

Thanks to the Austin Lady Magic Girls

Hi! It’s us, Whinny, Indy and Heidi! Thank you, thank you, nice Basketball girls!! Will you come and let us out of jail, too?

HUGE shout out of thanks to the Austin Lady Magic Girls basketball team and their coach!!

Coach B. and her girls have sent in a wonderful donation for the sponsorship of Barbie’s puppies, for vet bills, food and other procedures.

Over $1,000 was donated for shots and worming, tail docks, dewclaw removal and puppy food. The pups are thrilled!  (They keep asking when I am taking them to Austin to thank their sponsors in person??)

It does our hearts good to see young athletes using their skills to help others,  and especially to help our animal friends.

We wish Coach B. and her girls the very, very best of luck in their next season, and all of you should know, Whinny, Heidi and Indy will be cheering right alongside everyone else!

Spotlight – Sammie

Update July 25 – Here he is!!  Sammie sailed through his surgery, and his incision is healing up nicely.  He’s not quite ready to go to ground yet, but he is getting there!! Sammie’s biopsy was cancerous, but it’s a very slow growing form and only has a 5% chance of coming back.  The best news of all? He found a forever family! Sammie is one happy little guy, and we couldn’t be more thrilled for him! Thank you all so much for your donations and support.  Sammie is healthy and home because of your generosity!

Update July 11 – We reached our goal and Sammie’s surgery is scheduled for tomorrow! Thank you all so very much for donating. We couldn’t do it without your support!

spotlight sammieSammie needs our help! He is a 9 year old bundle of love and kisses. The poor little guy has a tumor on his back right leg and another one on his back left leg. They need to come off because they could be dangerous. He’s a healthy, happy little guy and in good health otherwise. We want him to be able to run and play for years to come! Won’t you please help us help him?

The vet estimates that Sammie’s surgery will cost about $600 and Sammie must have this surgery done before we can find his forever family.  Please help us help Sammie by giving! No amount is too small… it all adds up! You can donate with PayPal and all major credit cards. Please notate that your donation is for Sammie in the name field.

Russell Rescue, Inc. is a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation.  Donations made to Russell Rescue, Inc. are tax-deductible to the contributor.  Follow along here for updates. Thank you from Sammie!


Spotlight Emma

Emma - Spotlight Terrier

Emma – Spotlight Terrier – Please Help!

Emma ended up in a shelter after being found as a stray.  When she was found she had a chain attached to her collar.  She was thin and freezing.  Russell Rescue got her out of the shelter and into a foster home in Louisiana.

Emma is about 8 years old.  She has cataracts, but is in good shape otherwise.  She is perky and happy, except for a nagging ear infection.  Emma has had a very deep ear infection for some time now that won’t clear up.  In order to treat it, she will need to be sedated and her ears flushed out and treated with medications.  She also needs a dental cleaning.  These two procedures total about $600.  In order for Emma to be ready to find her forever family, these two things must be done.  Her little ears hurt and we need to get her scheduled with the vet as soon as possible.

Please help us help Emma by giving.  No amount is too small…it all adds up!  Thank you from Emma!

Welcome to Rescue, Gertie


Welcome to Rescue, Gertie

Happy announcement!!

Guess who is a Russell Rescue Inc girl??? The little old girl we posted a few days ago is!! One of our amazing fosters Lecia saw her photo and fell for her. That got the ball rolling. Then transportation arrangements from Oklahoma to Texas had to be made. Volunteers for that had to be found. Luckily Heather found Dana S who volunteered to go pick her up and drive her part way to meet Lecia. Dana rearranged her entire day to help us and this little old girl, and Lecia sat all day waiting for her new foster after doing a different transport herself.

When Dana picked up the little old girl she was laying her her poop and pee 🙁 but Dana still held her and put her in her car to drive her to safety. Then Lecia got her and drove her home. She was so covered in urine and feces she had to be bathed immediately. So Lecia gave her a nice bath. She was wearing a little shirt and underneath it was caked in feces. This poor 14yr old little girl was a stray no one came for. She spent about 10 days in the shelter and got lucky. Her teeth are in bad shape, and she has some mobility issues, but we don’t care. She is ours now and she will be safe and loved the rest of her days.

Thank you to all the volunteers that stepped up to help this little girl whom has since been named Gertie. Welcome to Russell Rescue Inc sweet old Gertie.

Spotlight Astro – Update 2

11/27/17 – Astro had his surgery last week and everything went well.  He is at home with his foster mom recovering and enjoying being spoiled a little bit.  He is already getting around better than he was before the surgery.  Astro will be looking for a forever home very soon!  We reached our $800 goal and his vet bill has been paid in full.  Thank you so much for donating.  We appreciate it so very much!  Astro says thank you too!

Colonel Nugget Harrell

Colonel NuggetColonel Nugget Harrell is a great Russell Rescue, Inc patron. He sends us half his earnings, every so often and is very generous to his cousins in Rescue.

He gets money for chores, birthdays, etc. and always shares with us.

We are so hopeful Nugget will be able to visit us at the Texas 2 Step terrier trial in March 2018!

Thank you, Nugget! We love you!!

The Foster dogs of Russell Rescue

Spotlight Astro

Astro came into Fort Bend County Animal Services in November with an injury to his back paw and leg. Russell Rescue got him into a foster home and to the vet to assess his injuries and it has been determined that Astro needs to have his leg amputated.  He hobbles along and walks on top of his foot.

Astro’s leg is badly broken and damaged and has been for quite a while.  Astro is in pain and we need to get him scheduled for surgery as soon as possible.  The vet estimates that the bill will be approximately $800.  Please help us help Astro by giving.  No amount is too small… it all adds up! 

If you prefer, you can also donate directly to the vet clinic providing Astro’s care:

Lighthouse Vet Clinic
Sugarland, Texas
Phone: 281-207-9460.  

Make sure you tell them it’s for Astro. Thank you from Astro! 

Spotlight Sammie

sammie spotllightSammie was hit by a car. She was found laying in the street. Her leg is broken. As you can see she is in a great deal of pain. She will need surgery to repair her leg. Can you find it in your heart to help her?

Sammie needs to raise funds to reset her pelvis. It appears she was hit by a car on Monday, and has a broken leg, and her pelvic bone has shifted. It will cost rescue roughly $3000+.  She is the “spotlight terrier” or you can donate to General Fund with memo as “Sammie in NC.”

Sammie is heading home for the night, poor kid. Another 36 hours on pain medications, and then she can see the orthopedic surgeon. Fractured pelvis and severely broken leg. She’s going to make it though! They said everyone loved on her all day! Guess someone goes to work with me tomorrow.
Help Sammie with her “good as new” surgery!