Good News for Beanie!!

New update on Beanie!!! This morning at the vet hospital it was discovered that the poor girl had a grass spear embedded in her eye!!!!!!! She will be on several meds and should be back to normal in a few days!!!!! Stay tuned here for Beanie’s adoption post when she is ready to roll! Beanie is located in the Austin, Texas area.


An Update on Beanie!

Say a prayer for Beanie this morning! She sees the vet today. We are hoping to get good news about her eye. She was pulled from the shelter, who treated her eye with drops, and is now being fostered in the Georgetown/Austin, Texas area. She is a typical terrier girl. Happy, running around and acting like nothing is wrong. We can’t wait to get her the vet care she needs and get her ready to find her forever home!


Welcome to Russell Rescue – Beanie!

Say hello to Beanie. She is barely a year old. We pulled her from the shelter and she is now in foster care in Georgetown/Austin, Texas. Huge thanks to her foster mom and dad for taking on a very hurt little girl. They did not hesitate! Not only is her eye very sore and swollen, she has flea bite dermatitis. In typical terrier fashion she is running around like nothing is wrong. Vet visit is Monday. We are very anxious to find out about her eye. Stay tuned for more here when Beanie is ready to find her forever home!


Welcome to Russell Rescue – Swifty!

Say hello to Swifty! She is about a year old and is in foster care in Victoria, Texas. So far she is getting along very well with her two foster siblings. So far, she is a little ray of sunshine! Her vetting will be done in about a week. Stay tuned here for more info on Swifty when she is ready to find her forever home!


Welcome to Russell Rescue – Trixie!

Please welcome Trixie to the Russell Rescue, Inc. family! She is 19 pounds of sweetness and light. All her vet work has been done and she is almost ready for adoption. Trixie is a little over a year old and is in foster care in Shreveport, Louisiana. She loves to play! Stay tuned here for more on Trixie!


Welcome to Russell Rescue – Jewel!

Say howdy to Jewel…AKA Lil’ Bit. She is in great shape and an absolute darling. But, our Lil’ Bit does not like female dogs, but she’s getting along with her foster brothers. Her foster mom is in the Dallas, Texas area. Jewel will be ready for adoption in a couple of weeks! Welcome to Russell Rescue Jewel! We will find you the perfect family!


Welcome to Russell Rescue – Bunny!

Say hello to Bunny!  She is in foster care in Fayetteville, Arkansas.  This baby is a little over 1 year old.  She needs her vet visit for a check up and then she will be ready to go!  We don’t know much about her yet since she just got here, but her foster mom says she is loving and playful.  We will find out more soon!  Welcome to the Russell Rescue family Bunny!  We are going to find you the perfect home! 


Welcome to Russell Rescue – Luna!

Poor Luna was found in a residential neighborhood in Dallas locked inside a small crate sitting on the side of the road. The finder saw the crate and went over to investigate and discovered a starving, urine stained, smelly little female Jack Russell Terrier locked inside. Skip forward three weeks. Her finder (who is now Luna’s foster mom) has gotten Luna vetted and is nursing her back to health. Luna appears to be about 2-3 years old.

Report from her foster mom: “She is starting to fill out some but you can still see her ribs. We’ve been giving her medicated baths because you can see she has some hair loss on her ears. And her bottom half is still stained. The vet did inform me that it would take some time to go away as the new hair grew in. It’s been a relief to watch her play more as she is gaining energy. And boy does she like to snuggle!”

Check back for more updates here. We think Luna will be ready for adoption at the end of March. Welcome to the Russell Rescue family Luna! We are going to find you the perfect home!


Welcome to Russell Rescue – Lew!

Lew is a 10 month old puppy!  His owners wanted a hunting dog, but he is not one.  He’s a lover, not a fighter!  He’s in foster care in the Seguin/San Antonio, Texas area.  Welcome to the Russell Rescue family Lew!  We will find you the perfect home!