Welcome to Russell Rescue – Charlie!

Charlie is a shorty boy in foster care in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.  So far, we know that he is very very lovable.  He seems to like everyone.  We are working on house training.  He is the ultimate lapdog.  All his vet work will be done this week and Charlie will be ready to find his forever home soon!  Welcome to the Russell Rescue, Inc. family Charlie!


Welcome to Russell Rescue – Lucy!

Welcome to the Russell Rescue, Inc. family! Say howdy to Lucy! She is a 1 year old spayed female in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. So far she has been perfect. She is just a little ray of sunshine. She loves everyone and has the sweetest way about her. She will be ready for adoption around the end of July. Stay tuned here for her post!


Welcome to Russell Rescue – Lady Bird!

This beautiful girl is Lady Bird. We just pulled her from a shelter in the Dallas, Texas area. She is 3 years old and so far is a perfect little lady. She’s vaccinated and will be spayed soon. Stay tuned for updates! Welcome to the Russell Rescue, Inc. family Lady Bird!!

Welcome to Russell Rescue – Sister!

Say hello to Sister! This girl lost her family and has had to live outside for the last 6 months. She is about 5-7 years old and is now in foster care in Seguin, Texas. We will update her information in a few days so be on the lookout!

Welcome to the Russell Rescue, Inc. family Sister! We are going to find you the best home ever! One with lots of soft, cuddly blankets!

Welcome to Russell Rescue – Buffy’s Puppies!!!

Welcome to the Russell Rescue, Inc. family….Buffy’s puppies! Buffy joined Russell Rescue a week or so ago. She was expecting a litter and found herself all alone. She was in bad shape…living in the heat, no soft place to lay her head, none of the things a mommy needs. Now she is in a loving foster home, with good food, soft blankies and 5 puppies! They arrived a couple of days ago. Buffy is a great momma! Buffy had 5 boys and they are all fat and happy! Stay tuned for more updates on the puppies!




Buffy had her puppies!

Buffy gave us 5 beautiful puppies!  She is a good mommy and was happy to hear that this is her last litter.  She does not have to go through this ever again.  Buffy’s main occupation right now is nursing and sleeping.  Stay tuned for more! 


Welcome to Russell Rescue – Buffy!

Welcome to Russell Rescue, Inc. – Buffy!

Buffy is a 6 to 7 year old female shorty girl. Unfortunately, she is in the family way. For the first time in her life she is being loved and cared for. She is in foster care in Tulsa, Oklahoma and getting to do all the things she has missed out on…walking around on green grass, eating good food, sleeping in a bed, feeling comfortable and not itching, having her ears cared for, and being out of the heat. She will have her puppies possibly around the 1st of July. Stay tuned for more!

Welcome to Russell Rescue – Goose!

Poor Goose.  She had to leave her home, but she is in a wonderful foster home in New Braunfels, Texas.  She’s about 2 years old and very frisky and loving.  Her vet work will be updated next week and she will be ready to be someone’s everything.  Join us in welcoming Goose to the Russell Rescue, Inc. family.  We are going to find her the best home ever!


Update! Great News for Beanie!!

Miss Beanie was cruising around Austin, Texas looking for her family when she injured her eye. She tried and tried to rub her eye, which only made it worse. A kind couple picked her up and took her to the shelter. They tried to help her, but lacked the medical equipment needed to see into the eye. She was given drops for conjunctivitis. Russell Rescue, Inc. was finally able to get her out of the shelter and into foster care and to the vet. The vet found the problem immediately. It was a little sticker of some sort. She got it out and prescribed several medications and now Beanie’s eye is nearly back to normal! Beanie’s spay is coming up and she will be up for adoption the last week of May. Stay tuned here for her post!