Check out this amazing Happy Tails story written by Julie (loving Mom of Tex!) We couldn’t be more thrilled for Tex! He hit the jackpot! Happy Tails Tex!
“It’s Official – we have a new Devlin! Welcome to the family Tex! We felt the Fourth of July was the perfect “Gotcha Day”. Tex (13) arrived January 2, 2022, as a foster for Russell Rescue Inc.. He had severe dental disease. He was unsure how to trust and love.
Well, that’s all changed!
Tex, fondly known as Mundo and Gumby, is now toothless with an appetite that rivals his senior brother Chip’s. He shares a bed with his brother Bruno. He and his sister Olive hang out. He found his voice and joins in on the barking fests. He displays frequent “Wilburisms”. Most of all, he knows what love, security and trust mean.
❤️ HE IS HOME ❤️
Happy Gotcha Day sweet Tex. We love you! (7/4/22) Thank you, Russell Rescue for bringing him into our lives.
If you are unsure about adopting a senior, don’t be! They are amazing and love with their whole heart! ❤️”